South Dakota Parent Connection

School Avoidance & Refusal: Root Causes and Strategies for Parents and Educators

Virtual Event SD

From elementary school through high school, absenteeism is growing — and pushing students further and further behind. Underlying anxiety often propels school refusal and avoidance, which can present differently in different students — from stomachaches and headaches to signs of depression. For some students, this anxiety may stem from academic struggles. For others, it may […]

2024 Summer Workplace Readiness Webinar

Virtual Event SD

There are exciting FREE opportunities for transition-aged students with a disability/social challenges who are at least 14 years old but less than age 22 (who are still enrolled in a secondary school) to develop critical skills for workplace readiness and self-advocacy! One of the best predictors of successful employment is the ability to demonstrate pro-social skills. These Pre-Employment Transition […]

Using Context to Build and Enhance Executive Functioning

Virtual Event SD

Students struggle with executive functioning for a variety of reasons: ADHD, anxiety, depression, short-term stress, fatigue, concussion, and more. These conditions can have compounding effects on children and teens as […]

Combination Therapy: Medication Strategies for Hard-to-Treat Complex ADHD

Virtual Event SD

Despite highly esteemed and plentiful literature on the use of stimulant and nonstimulant medication to treat ADHD, relatively little information is available on the treatment of complex ADHD — that is, attention deficit disorder plus at least one comorbid condition like anxiety, depression, or an eating disorder. Few studies address the treatment of comorbid conditions, the order of treatment, […]

Free Parent Support Group

Virtual Event SD

Collective Action and Screens In this group, we have discussed what you can do about excessive screen and social media use in your own homes. But cultural forces and norms […]

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) App Series

Virtual Event SD

Often, when people think of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), tools with symbols and pictures to represent words come to mind. However, those with strong literacy skills use AAC too, and can benefit from text-based tools so they can more efficiently communicate with their family, friends, coworkers, and those in the community. Learn about a […]

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