South Dakota Parent Connection

Agency with Choice Townhall Meetings

May 8, 2024

Dear South Dakota Family Support 360 Waiver Participants, Caregivers, and Advocates,
We are happy to announce that the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) will be hosting two townhall meetings next week. At the townhall meetings we will share information about Agency with Choice.
The townhall meetings will be at the following dates and times:


Please send questions to

We look forward to seeing you at the townhall meetings.

Thank you.

Joey Younie, M.A., Director, Division of Developmental Disabilities  Office: (605) 773-3438  Fax: (605) 773-7362

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Check out our most recent publication, “What Parents Should Know… About Special Education in South Dakota” created with the deep belief that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to advocating for the rights and needs of children with disabilities within the educational system.

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