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School Avoidance & Refusal: Root Causes and Strategies for Parents and Educators

From elementary school through high school, absenteeism is growing — and pushing students further and further behind. Underlying anxiety often propels school refusal and avoidance, which can present differently in different students — from stomachaches and headaches to signs of depression. For some students, this anxiety may stem from academic struggles. For others, it may be rooted in social difficulties, such as bullying or peer rejection.

In this Success@School webinar, you will learn:

  • About the underlying factors that contribute to school avoidance and absenteeism
  • How these factors may affect students with ADHD, in particular
  • How symptoms of school avoidance can look different across elementary school-age children and teens
  • About the evidence-based strategies that parents and educators can utilize to support students with school refusal behaviors
  • Therapy options to help students transition back to the academic environment

Learn more and REGISTER here.

A drawing of a face


Date & Time:

July 9 @ 12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT






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Check out our most recent publication, “What Parents Should Know… About Special Education in South Dakota” created with the deep belief that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to advocating for the rights and needs of children with disabilities within the educational system.

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