South Dakota Parent Connection
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Accommodating Employees with Diverse Cognitive and Neurological Needs

Accommodating cognitive and neurological disabilities, such as mental health conditions, attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder, brain injury and seizure disorders, in the workplace may pose unique considerations that do not exist with other disabilities, as the need for accommodations may not always be apparent. Potential complexities may arise in understanding employee limitations, identifying the root causes, and determining effective accommodations. Employers may encounter scenarios involving medical documentation, applying performance and conduct standards, ensuring safety, preserving confidentiality, and more. Join us for a session that explores complex accommodation scenarios in the workplace and discover effective solutions to help maintain productive employees with diverse needs.


  • Melanie Whetzel, Principal Consultant, Team Lead



Date & Time:

April 11 @ 1:00pm - 2:00pm CDT

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)





Featured Resource

Check out our most recent publication, “What Parents Should Know… About Special Education in South Dakota” created with the deep belief that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to advocating for the rights and needs of children with disabilities within the educational system.

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